Unearthing the Shrine (Erastus (VII) 15th, 4712 AR)
Skaldwood Very few Shoanti actually reside in Korvosa. Skaldwood is a copse of trees just outside the city proper. The Shoanti who call the Skaldwood home have worn numerous trails through the wood, connecting the many clearings where they have established semi-permanent campgrounds. The Shoanti living in Skaldwood are wary of outsiders, but direct inquiring Pathfinders to the local sage named Telmayne Fire-Eyes when asked. Telmayne is young for a shaman, and her tall, athletic appearance often surprises those who seek her out. She is shaved bald in the custom of many of her people, and wears a scarlet bandanna tied around her head. She seemed indifferent to the heroes' problem, and studied them with a dispassionate eye as they described the conflict between Zeeva and the Aspis Consortium. She perked up at any mention of the supernatural events of the previous encounter, especially when the heroes revealed that they suspected a Shoanti connection. "I suppose I could tell you ...