The Gauntlet of Challenge-Cry, Part 4 (Neth (X) 1st, 4712 AR)

The Challenge of Arcana. To bypass the screen, a section of it had to be hit with a fireball when the area was covered in “open” runes. The fireball resulted in a 20-foot-diameter hole opening in the screen for a few seconds at that location. Two arcanatons flew through the opening in the screen to contest the heroes. They began combat with tentacle attacks. The arcanatos fought until destroyed. The Paragon Hall. Two massive iron obelisks dominate this domed chamber, each fifty feet tall and covered with intricate runes. Arcane fire arcs between their peaks, illuminating bas reliefs of forty gigantic dragon heads peering out of the chamber’s stone walls at even intervals. A single huge claw corresponding to each head reaches out five feet from the base of the walls. Through the flickering light, a small field of crystals glitters on the floor between the obelisks, with a gap a few inches wide in their center and surrounded by several runes below. A huge green drag...