
The Gauntlet of Challenge-Cry, Part 2 (Neth (X) 1st, 4712 AR)

The Challenge of Might.  Light in this chamber was equal to shadowy illumination when the trapdoor above was open or the gate was imbued with fire or electricity (see below); otherwise, there is no natural light. The bottom of the deep stone shaft is flat and empty, with a massive iron door, forty feet high and thirty feet wide, set in its eastern side. The door appears designed to slide upward, much like a solid portcullis. A thick, sturdily-braced horizontal iron shelf protruding from the door five feet above the floor appears to be the only leverage point from which to lift it. The iron of the door changes color several times a minute, at first glowing orange as if pulled from a forge, then glistening with green perspiration, next frosted with ice crystals, and finally dry and crackling with electricity, before again glowing orange and repeating the cycle. Large runes etched into the doors seem to ignore the state of the door, their forms remaining the color of blackened iron throug

The Gauntlet of Challenge-Cry, Part 1 (Neth (X) 1st, 4712 AR)

The Guardian Hall.  Opening the south port set in the wall is easy but extremely dangerous: a stream of cold energy shoots across the chamber to the opposite wall, dealing damage to anything in its path each round. Concealed under the workbench in a secret compartment were two spellbooks. One spellbook is unremarkable. It is worth 990 gp. The other spellbook, however, is very unusual: its covers are bronze plates engraved to resemble interlocking golem fists, it is thicker than the typical spellbook, and it has an integral hinged bronze bookmark in the shape of a golem’s arm. This arm is actually a mechanical trap and attacked Gryxxa when she touched the book. The book is worth 11,250 gp due to its integrated trap and unusual materials. The Epitaphrum.  As the heroes ascended toward the plateau of the Epitaphrum, it became easier than it was at the base of the Throat of Shearphorus to identify the source of Astersyn’s screams, their meaning, and the voice of the Epitaphrum. The heroes

Apparent Master

School  Enchantment;  Level: Brd 4, Sor/Wiz 5 Casting Casting Time 1 standard action Components V, S Effect Range Close (25 ft.+5 ft./2 levels) Target One construct; see text Duration 1 hour/level Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance Yes Description This charm makes a construct regard you as its master. The spell only affects mindless constructs that are attuned to the commands of a master, such as animated objects, golems, retrievers, and shield guardians. All constructs with Intelligence scores, even those that explicitly follow the commands of their creator, such as a homunculus, are unaffected. If the construct is currently being threatened or attacked by you or your allies it receives a +5 bonus on its saving throw.  The spell enables you to control the construct completely, with the sole exception that commands directly resulting in damage break the spell. Any act by you or your apparent allies that damages the construct also breaks the spell. You can communicate your comm

Hand of the Theurge

Aura strong transmutation; CL 15th Slot -; Price 16,000 gp; Weight - Description This large crystal, sized and shaped like a loosely clenched human fist, perfectly accepts any wand. As a standard action, the hand can be loosed to activate a wand on its own at any target within range. Any such activation costs 3 charges from the wand. The hand can activate the wand for up to 4 rounds and then drops. It is considered attended by you for all effects that target items, and it exists within your space. The hand of the theurge accompanies you everywhere, whether you move by physical or magical means. If you have an unoccupied hand, you can grasp it while it is activating on its own as a free action; when so retrieved, the hand can't animate again for 4 rounds. Construction Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, animate objects ; Cost 8,000 gp


Outsider: An outsider is at least partially composed of the essence (but not necessarily the material) of some plane other than the Material Plane. Outsiders have darkvision. Unlike most living creatures, an outsider does not have a dual nature — its soul and body form one unit. When an outsider is slain, no soul is set loose. Spells that restore souls to their bodies, such as raise dead , reincarnate , and resurrection , don’t work on an outsider. A different magical effect, such as limited wish , wish , miracle , or true resurrection , is required to restore it to life. An outsider with the native subtype can be raised, reincarnated, or resurrected just as other living creatures can be. Outsiders breathe, but do not need to eat or sleep (although they can do so if they wish). Native outsiders breathe, eat, and sleep. Native:  Native outsiders have mortal ancestors or a strong connection to the Material Plane and can be raised, reincarnated, or resurrected just as other living

Shearphorus, Part 5 (Neth (X) 1st, 4712 AR)

Entrance to the Guardian Hall. The heroes killed the ogre guard. Guardian Hall.  A 30-foot by 30-foot section of the chamber directly below the chute from the entrance to the guardian hall above has a null-gravity effect. Aranthor, who was flying, had to use a move action to reorient himself when passing through this area, but then proceeded as normal. Jules and Zemurin did not reach the ground, instead hanging 15 feet above the floor. Gryxxa, who was levitating, liberated them by pulling them outside the null-gravity area. This huge chamber, roughly carved and left with unfinished walls, is one hundred feet square. Continual flame spells nearly cover the flat ceiling thirty feet above, so the place is refreshingly well-lit. An iron boss ten feet in diameter protrudes from the stone in the center of each wall. Large iron tools of various function lie haphazardly across the floor, while one workbench features a more orderly set of fine human-sized tools and a bedroll below. An iron stat

Shearphorus, Part 4 (Lamashan (X) 30th-Neth (XI) 1st, 4712 AR)

The Throat of Shearphorus.  The bellows heard by the heroes are mostly animalistic vents of rage, but there is some Draconic peppered throughout. They picked out a few phrases: “The name! Speak the name!” and “End the torture!” Against these screams, the heroes can determine that a different voice speaks Draconic in a steady tone, and must be very powerful itself to be heard at all at this distance. The heroes are not completely safe from these creatures even at this distance. In their rage, they are actually tearing apart the stone of the pillar above, albeit slowly. Now and then a piece of stone falls. Most of the heroes noticed the falling stones early enough to avoid any possibility of damage, while Zemurin was lucky enough to not be on the stone's path. The spiral path leading upward is similar to the one below. When the heroes took time to recuperate, wings of protection picked up the guardians the heroes had disabled and carried them to the entrance to the pillar. The wing