Haunt Siphon
To capture a haunt’s energies within a haunt
siphon, you need only twist the metal casing to open the vial in the same round
that the haunt manifests (a standard action) — this can be before or after the
haunt has acted. You must be within the haunt’s area of influence to use a
haunt siphon. When you activate a haunt siphon, it deals 3d6 points of positive
energy damage to a single haunt. If it deals enough damage to the haunt to
reduce the haunt’s hit points to 0, the mist inside the haunt siphon glows green—
if it does not reduce the haunt to 0 hit points, the haunt siphon is still
expended and becomes nonmagical. It may take multiple haunt siphons to destroy
powerful haunts. A haunt siphon that neutralizes a haunt can no longer be used
to harm haunts, but it can be used as a grenadelike splash weapon that deals
1d6 points of negative energy damage with a direct hit. Every creature within 5
feet of the point where the haunt siphon hits takes 1 point of negative energy
damage from the splash.
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