
Showing posts from December, 2021

Intermission (Abadius (I) 18th-Rova (IX) 9th, 4708 AR)

The heroes did not find any clues of the Mistress' whereabouts in the ensuing months. They were suddenly summoned in front of Drandle Dreng and Ambrus Valsin, as well as Major Colson Madlris. They were informed that Junia was attacked by a rakshasa they assume to be the Mistress. The Mistress had taken the form of another Pathfinder apprentice, a friend of Junia's, luring her into a false sense of security. Luckily, Junia escaped, but the apprentice the Mistress impersonated was missing, presumed eaten. The venture captains and Andoran faction leader suspect several other apprentices who have gone missing the past 8 months have suffered the same fate. The Pathfinder leadership plan is to whisk the heroes away from Absalom for a time, until they ensure the safety of their apprentices and agents, since according to Junia, the Mistress was primarily interested in the heroes' lives and habits. They placed the heroes on the next ship to Andoran, which the heroes grudgingly agree...

Return to the Crowsworn Hideout (Abadius (I) 17th-18th, 4708 AR)

The heroes returned to the hideout after some much needed rest. Practice Room.  The western wall contained a secret door, which the heroes located. It opened into a dark, earthy (but stable) passage that went due north. Eventually it passed underneath Absalom's walls and led to a staircase that ascended to a cellar door built into the side of an abandoned house in Westerhold. The Barracks and Kitchen.  The double doors to this area were unlocked and the rooms were unlit. Three rooms made up this area. The two western rooms were connected by an open doorway. The northern room was occupied by two long makeshift dining tables surrounded by chairs and stools. The southern room was a small kitchen and pantry. East of these two rooms through another open doorway was a barracks area with nine bunks. Cenotaphs of the Fallen.  This chamber had no light source, and its doors were locked; the heroes opened them. These were the only stone doors in the complex, and they had the words ...

Escape from the Crowsworn Hideout (Abadius (I) 17th, 4708 AR)

The heroes decided to make a run for it, with the Mistress hot on their heels. They managed to escape and burn the rope ladder leading to the surface, thus evading their pursuer.