Return to the Crowsworn Hideout (Abadius (I) 17th-18th, 4708 AR)

The heroes returned to the hideout after some much needed rest.

Practice Room. The western wall contained a secret door, which the heroes located. It opened into a dark, earthy (but stable) passage that went due north. Eventually it passed underneath Absalom's walls and led to a staircase that ascended to a cellar door built into the side of an abandoned house in Westerhold.

The Barracks and Kitchen. The double doors to this area were unlocked and the rooms were unlit.

Three rooms made up this area. The two western rooms were connected by an open doorway. The northern room was occupied by two long makeshift dining tables surrounded by chairs and stools. The southern room was a small kitchen and pantry. East of these two rooms through another open doorway was a barracks area with nine bunks.

Cenotaphs of the Fallen. This chamber had no light source, and its doors were locked; the heroes opened them. These were the only stone doors in the complex, and they had the words "Cenotaphs of the Fallen" engraved on the northern side. At 14 feet high, the ceiling in this specific room was slightly higher than those in the others.

Eight large vertical standing crypts formed a semicircle around the room. The covers faced the exterior wall and most had a name and date engraved on the surface. The floor was polished white marble in the center, and black marble along an exterior circle. The area was clean and free of dust.

The crypts were not locked, but were solid stone and difficult to pry open. Only five had names engraved. The northeastern two appeared untouched or unused. Inside, the crypts were empty, but there were signs they once contained mementos, tokens, and small stores of treasures.

A pressure plate was set in the floor in the center of the room. When the pressure plate was depressed, the room filled with a gas, and the inner door to the audience chamber slammed shut and locked. This was a stone door secured with a simple lock. The heroes held their breath to avoid any effects until they picked the lock and opened the door.

Mistress' Bedroom. A thorough search of the Mistress' dresser located a secret panel behind a drawer. It was empty and the Mistress was nowhere to be found.

Andoran faction heroes who rescued Syrdathiel in the prisoner cells earned 375 gp.


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