New Gear

Rosewood Armor: This suit of leather armor is wrapped in special rose vines. Anyone grappling with a creature wearing rosewood armor takes 1d4 points of piercing damage per round. This damage can be prevented by taking a –10 penalty on the grapple check. The rose vines must be watered with at least 1 gallon of water each day or they wither and die, turning the armor into normal leather armor. This armor acts like leather armor in every other way and costs 50 gp.

Thorn: These small arrows are tipped with a wicked rose thorn and fletched with lacquered rose petals.

Thorn Bracer: These sturdy leather bracers are studded with lacquered rose thorns that can be used to pierce foes. You can attack with these bracers even while holding objects in your hands. When attacking with thorn bracers, you lose any shield bonus to AC gained from a readied shield until your next action.

Thorn Bow: This polished rosewood bow is studded with thorns and tiny rose flowers. You need at least two hands to use a thorn bow, regardless of its size. You can use a thorn bow while mounted. Penalties for low Strength apply on damage rolls made with a thorn bow. Thorn bows cannot be made into composite thorn bows.

Exotic Weapons


Dmg (S)


Range Critical




Light Melee Weapons








Thorn Bracer

30 gp





3 lb.


Ranged Weapons








Thorn Bow

50 gp




40 ft.

2 lb.


Thorn (20)

1 gp





2 lb.



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