Pollution Lake (Lamashan (X) 30-31st, 4708 AR)
Once per month — on Lamashan 31st — the Petal River ran foul with a strange metallic scent
and those who drank from it could become nauseated for days. Sir Tolgrith was aware of this problem and stockpiled water in
anticipation of the event, but he had been unable to determine the source of
the pollution. He asked the heroes to track it down and eliminate it if possible.
This problem could only be solved on Lamshan 31st, as it was impossible to track
at any other time. When they followed the course of the pollution on Lamashan 31st, the heroes were led to the following location.
The foul and murky water ran on for miles, eventually
ending at the shore of the Mist Lake, a body of water perpetually shrouded in
steam. There, near to the bank, was an odd sight. Spectral forms rose out of the
lake to do battle with an unseen foe. As the minutes passed, more and more of the
ghostly soldiers fell into the lake, their blood creating a great stain in the
The heroes identified these forms as spirits of the forces of Cheliax and the barbarian lords. The heroes realized the best way to put them at peace was to stop their unseen foes. When the heroes approached the invisible foes with the intent of battling them, they vanished and a trio of wraiths appeared in the form of vicious barbarians.
The wraiths appeared like barbarians but had no unusual abilities. They attacked the nearest foe. The wraiths fought until destroyed.
The heroes checked the mulch around the battle site and found the bones of the soldiers along with some of their rusted and ancient gear. This
search also uncovered a +1 light fortification heavy steel shield.
When the heroes defeated the wraiths, a tall
shadow emerged from the gloom, saluted and disappeared, leaving behind a flame
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