Bugbears (Kuthona (XII) 2nd-5th, 4708 AR)

On Kuthona 2 a gang of bugbears ambushed and raided a work crew. The bugbears killed a worker and Sir Tolgrith had to once again suspend work until the threat was removed. The bugbears were ruthless in their attacks but careful to cover their trail. Tracking them back to their camp was extremely difficult. The bugbear camp was located on the north bank of the Coldrun River about 16 miles due east from Fort Thorn.

Wall of Roses. A wall of rose bushes surrounded a trio of crude circular huts. Even from a distance, large humanoid guards were visible, patrolling the perimeter just inside the hedge.

There were only two ways into the camp that avoided the hedge of rose bushes and their painful thorns: a narrow gap on the north side and the southern edge that abutted the river. The northern gap was blocked by a pile of logs. The rose bushes were at least 10 feet thick all around the camp.

The perimeter of the camp was guarded by a trio of bugbear guards who patrolled the hedge and kept a lookout. When they noticed the heroes, they sounded the general alarm, bringing all of the bugbears present out for a fight. The bugbears drew javelins before the fight.


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