Bugbear Camp (Kuthona (XII) 5th, 4708 AR)

The bugbears hurled javelins while taking cover behind the rose bushes. When engaged in melee, they used their morningstars, ganging up on foes. The bugbears fought to the death.

Three crude huts, made from deadwood, stones, and mud, dominated the center of the camp. One was clearly larger than the others and it had numerous animal trophies nailed above the door.

Each of the two smaller huts was home to six of the vicious goblinoids, while the larger hut was home to a squad of five. The interiors of the huts were crude affairs, with simple sleeping mats surrounding small fire pits. Each hut was littered with animal bones and broken bits of armor and weapons.

Rousing the entire camp drew a total of 13 bugbears, 5 with masterwork weapons, to its defense (not counting the three guards). These bugbears defended their camp at all costs.

The bugbears hurled javelins while the heroes were outside the camp, but they quickly switched to morningstars and swarmed any who entered the protective ring. The bugbears fought to the death.

One of the bugbears appeared immune to fire. When the clan was attacked, this bugbear along with others engaged the heroes directly once they entered the perimeter. The fire-immune bugbear singled out Gryxxa above all other targets. He did not flee from a fight, eventually finding himself defeated by the heroes.

The large hut contained most of the riches stolen by the tribe. These treasures included 1,300 gp in assorted coins (mostly silver), 50 yards of fine Osirion linen worth 125 gp, a silver serving set worth 50 gp, a worn tapestry depicting a fight from the Goblinblood Wars worth 250 gp, and a small chest containing four matching blue garnets worth 200 gp each.


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