Vardak's Fortress, Part 5 (Kuthona (XII) 15th, 4708 AR)

Kitchen. Lopo, a lone goblin who stumbled upon this place a few years ago, staffed this unsavory kitchen. Lopo was not a threat to the heroes and promptly hid under the table the moment they entered. Unfortunately, Lopo knew little about the fortress aside from the kitchen, the dining hall (where the man-hungry goblins lived), and the throne room (where his Lordfulness pondered cruelty all day and night).

Dining Room. A long oak table dominated the center of this dining room. Three plain chairs stood on either side, while an ornately carved wooden chair with red cushions sat at the far end.

This was Lord Vardak’s dining room. A pair of barghest guards were stationed here.

These barghests hid in this room while under the cover of invisibility and were winking in and out of reality at random. The bargests both wielded masterwork greatswords in combat instead of claws, approaching the nearest foe before revealing themselves. Both barghests fought to the death. Lopo ran away at the first sign of trouble.

Storage 1. This small pantry contained various sacks, crates, and bottles containing food and various dried goods.

Aside from the pounds of salt, pepper, flour, and other ingredients, this room also contained the silver used in the dining hall. While not especially fine, the entire set was worth 100 gp.

Storage 2. Two large barrels dominated one wall of this room — one contained fresh water, while the other held thin ale. The table along one wall had a large meat cleaver stuck into it and was stained with blood. A careful examination uncovered a humanoid’s finger fallen behind the table.


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