Vardak's Fortress, Part 6 (Kuthona (XII) 15th, 4708 AR)

Entry Hall. The doors opened to reveal a grand entry chamber decorated with dark gray marble. A carpet, woven to look like burning roses, ran along the ground, ending just before a huge tapestry. The figure of Lord Vardak appeared on the tapestry, looming like a towering god above Bloodsworn Vale with a look of supreme confidence on his face.

This room was protected by a dangerous trap. The heroes detected a magical aura from behind the tapestry. When Gryxxa dropped the tapestry from the wall, she revealed a rune hidden underneath, which caused most of the heroes wracking pains.

The rug was finely made and worth 100 gp. The tapestry was exquisite in its detail and make. Although the subject matter was unusual, the tapestry was worth 400 gp.

Museum. Two large statues dominated the center of this odd museum. The one on the left depicted a flame drake, carved from black marble, rearing up on its hind legs with its mouth open as if to breathe flame. The other was of Lord Vardak, carved from white marble, with his staff raised high. The statues faced one another in silent battle. The walls of this room were decorated with dozens of framed paintings depicting faraway lands in exacting detail.

Each one of the paintings depicted a different city in such exacting detail that anyone using them as a reference when teleporting counts as having studied the area carefully. Paintings of Absalom, Korvosa, Magnimar, and Sothis hung here, as well as many others, including some that could not be easily identified. There were a total of 27 paintings in this room, each worth 50 gp.

The statues in this room were expertly carved. The heroes found a tiny inscription written in Draconic on one of the flame drake statue's wings. It read “Cast the living flame into me.” When Gryxxa targeted the statue with her flame tongue she caused a gout of flame to issue forth from the flame drake’s mouth, immolating the statue of Vardak and herself, who was between the statues at that time. When the flames subsided, the statue of Vardak was unharmed and its staff glowed with a crimson light. A moment later, a secret door in the side wall opened.

HallwayA pair of double doors flanked this short hallway. At the far end stood a statue of Lord Vardak, glaring menacingly.

The statue was a good reproduction of the sorcerer, carved from a pale red marble. An inscription on the statue’s base read “To my apprentice. May our conquests both bear the fruit we seek. —Ilkanir.”

The doors leading into the museum were locked and could be opened with one of Vardak's keys.

Secret Workshop. The sound of dripping water echoed off the crudely carved stone walls of this vile workshop. A table on one side was covered in filthy tools, blood, and grime, along with a maze of glass tubes, flasks, and boilers. Standing next to the table was a towering monstrosity of mismatched flesh, crudely sewn together.

A cold cauldron stood in the southeast corner. The heroes discovered the severed pointy ear of a small humanoid at the bottom.

With a growl, the beast animated and attacked when the heroes entered. The hideous monstrosity attacked anyone who entered the room. It fought to the death.

The alchemical gear here was worth 250 gp but it weighed 200 pounds and was very fragile. The heroes discovered a large magical flask.


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