Giant Squids

An animal is a living, nonhuman creature, usually a vertebrate with no magical abilities and no innate capacity for language or culture.

Animals have low-light vision.

Animals breathe, eat, and sleep.

Aquatic: Aquatic creatures always can move in water without difficulty. An aquatic creature can breathe water. It cannot breathe air unless it has the amphibious special quality.

The giant squid is a legendary beast capable of feeding on humans with ease. Hunger has been known to drive these normally deep-dwelling creatures up to the ocean surface where anything they encounter is potential prey. A giant squid is 45 feet long and weighs 1,500 pounds.

A giant squid can crush an opponent, dealing bludgeoning damage, when it makes a successful grapple (in addition to any other effects, including additional damage).

A squid can jet in a straight line. It does not provoke attacks of opportunity while jetting.

A squid can emit a cloud of ink while underwater. This cloud provides total concealment. The ink persists.


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