Vardak's Fortress, Part 7 (Kuthona (XII) 15th-17th, 4708 AR)

Vault. The heroes opened the heavy iron door leading into this chamber using Vardak’s keys. The chamber beyond was a simple stone room with a shelf on the far wall and an iron chest in the corner. Vardak’s keys opened the chest.

Twelve bags, each containing 500 gp in assorted coins, sat within the chest. In addition, the chest also contained a scroll tube with four scrolls of identify.

The shelf held an assortment of items. This included a golem manual (flesh), a +2 buckler, a candle of invocation (CN), and a wand of cure moderate wounds (48 charges). A small crystal case containing the gemstone keyed to the seed of fire floating above Fort Thorn sat in the center of the shelf. When the gem was destroyed, the mote of flame floating above Fort Thorn should wink out of existence.

Spying Room. This small chamber looked in on the dining hall through an illusory wall. A lone chair sat in the hall. The iron door leading into the lab was locked from inside this room. The heroes opened the door by using Vardak’s keys.

After exploring Vardak's fortress, the heroes set back to Fort Thorn.


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