dragon is a reptile-like creature, usually winged, with magical or unusual
They have darkvision and
low-light vision.
They have immunity to magic sleep
effects and paralysis effects.
Dragons breathe, eat, and sleep.
True dragons are divided into two
broad categories: chromatic and metallic. Chromatic dragons are almost
universally evil, seeking only to slake their endless lust for food, treasure,
and bloodshed. Metallic dragons are generally good and often protect the lands
under their care.
Each dragon has a breath weapon. Their
areas vary with the dragon’s size and type. A dragon can use its breath weapon
when it is grappling or being grappled.
Dragons have darkvision and
blindsense. They see four times as well as a human in dim light and twice as
well in normal light.
have spell-like abilities.
dragon knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer. Its power depends on its
become resistant to weapons damage as they age, except for magic weapons. Their
natural weapons are treated as magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming
damage reduction.
As dragons grow older, they become
more resistant to spells and spell-like abilities.
A dragon’s very presence is unsettling to foes. Activating this ability is usually part of an attack or charge. Opponents within range who witness the action may become frightened or shaken. An opponent that is not affected is immune to that same dragon’s frightful presence for a day. Frightful presence is a mind-affecting fear effect.
Chromatic, Black
Water: Water creatures have a connection to the Elemental Plane of Water. Creatures with the water subtype always have swim speeds. A water creature can breathe underwater and can usually breathe air as well.
Lording over the darkest swamps
and marshes, black dragons are the undisputed masters of their domain, ruling
through cruelty and intimidation. Those who dwell within a black dragon’s reach
live in fear. Black dragons tend to make their lairs in remote parts of the
swamp, preferably in caves at the bottom of dark and fetid pools. Inside, they
pile up their filthy treasure and sleep amid the roots and muck. Black dragons
prefer their food a bit rotten and will often allow a meal to sit in a pool for
days before consuming it. Black dragons prefer treasures that do not rot or
decay, making their hoard, full of coins, gemstones, jewelry, and other objects
made from stone or metal.
A black dragon can breathe underwater indefinitely
and can freely use its breath weapon, spells, and other abilities while
Their breath weapon is a line of acid.
They are immune to acid.
very young or older black dragon can move through bogs and quicksand without
penalty at its normal speed.
A young
or older black dragon gains the constant spell-like ability to speak with
reptiles. This functions as speak with animals, but only with reptilian
An adult or older black dragon can stagnate still water, making it foul
and unable to support water-breathing life. The ability spoils liquids
containing water. Liquid-based magic items (such as potions) and items in a
creature’s possession may become ruined.
At old
age, a black dragon’s bite deals acid damage.
ancient or older black dragon can use its breath weapon to create an acid pool.
The acid pool is not permanent. The acid pool floats on water, and deals damage
to anything on the surface.
A great wyrm black dragon can charm reptiles. It works as a mass charm monster spell that affects only reptilian animals.
Chromatic, Green
Green dragons dwell in the ancient forests of the world,
prowling under towering canopies in search of prey. Of all the chromatic
dragons, green dragons are perhaps the easiest to deal with diplomatically.
They are immune to acid.
A green dragon can breathe underwater indefinitely and can freely
use its breath weapon, spells, and other abilities while submerged.
A very young or older green dragon can
move through any sort of foliage at full speed without taking damage or
suffering impairment. Areas of foliage that have been magically manipulated
affect it normally.
An adult or older green dragon does
not leave a trail in natural surroundings and cannot be tracked. A green dragon
can choose to leave a trail, if it so desires.
An old or older green dragon can hide
in any sort of natural terrain, even if the terrain does not grant cover or
An ancient or older green dragon can
use its breath weapon to create a cloud of acid that deals damage to any
creature inside it. The cloud moves with the dragon. A strong wind, such as that
created by a gust of wind, disperses the cloud.
A great wyrm dragon can call on the
forest itself to aid it, animating a number of trees to serve as treants to
protect it. These treants can be called from any Huge or larger living tree. A
green dragon can create multiple treants per day. These treants eventually revert
to being ordinary trees.
Chromatic, Red
Fire: Fire creatures have immunity to fire and vulnerability to cold.
Few creatures are more cruel and fearsome than the mighty
red dragon. King of the chromatics, this terrible beast brings ruin and death
to the lands that fall under its shadow.
A very young red dragon can see
perfectly in smoky conditions (such as those created by pyrotechnics).
Young red dragons have spell-like abilities.
A juvenile red dragon’s very presence is unsettling
to foes. Activating this ability is usually part of an attack or charge.
Opponents within range who witness the action may become frightened or shaken.
An affected opponent may resist the effects. On a failure, the opponent is
shaken, or panicked. An opponent that succeeds is immune to that same red
dragon’s frightful presence for a day. Frightful presence is a mind-affecting
fear effect.
Young adult red dragons are resistant to weapons damage,
except for magic weapons.
They have spell resistance.
An adult red dragon is surrounded by
an aura of intense heat. All creatures next to it take fire damage. An old dragon’s
aura extends further.
An old or older red dragon can control any fire spell near it. This ability allows it to move any fire effect in the area, as if it were the caster. This ability also allows it to reposition a stationary fire effect, although the new placement must be one allowed by the spell. Finally, immediately following the use of this ability, the dragon can control any new fire spell cast within its area of control, as if it were the caster. It can make all decisions allowed to the caster, including canceling the spell if it so desires.
Metallic, Bronze
Bronze dragons have been known to ally with travelers and
adventurers if the cause and reward is right and just.
They are immune to electricity.
Instead of a line of electricity, a bronze dragon can breathe a
cone of repulsion gas. Targets may be compelled to do nothing but move away
from the dragon.
A bronze dragon breathes water and can use its breath weapon,
spells, and abilities underwater.
A young or older bronze dragon can
take any animal or humanoid form as if using polymorph.
A juvenile bronze dragon, along with
creatures or vessels nearby, can move at twice its normal speed in water.
They have damage reduction
overcome by magic weapons.
They have spell resistance.
An old or older bronze dragon has an
aura of electricity. All creatures nearby take electricity damage. A bronze
dragon can suppress this aura at will.
An ancient or older bronze dragon can
create a vortex.
A great wyrm bronze dragon can cause the sea to rise up and crush his enemies. This affects an area of coastline and targets all creatures near the shore. Victims may be drawn off shore and deposited under the surface after the wave hits.
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