Tirana's Lair, Part 10 (Desnus (V) 2nd-9th, 4709 AR)

The Wishing Well. When Gryxxa fell in the pool of lava she took fire damage.

The red dragon was hard pressed, and he asked Surnom for a prismatic spray which killed Aranthor. He also tried to push vulnerable heroes into the lava pool. The red dragon fought until slain.

Surnom granted the red dragon's wishes. He fought to the death.

A small pile of 150 platinum pieces and 67 gp, a +1 ghost touch mace and a stone of alarm lay in a corner, covered by a heat-damaged tapestry weighing 40 pounds and depicting another red dragon terrorizing a countryside.

After this encounter the heroes exited the dungeon and visited the Temple of Abadar in Kaer Maga in order to raise Aranthor. After he recuperated from his ordeal, they returned to the dungeon.

Summoning Rift. Beyond the door’s arch, a yawning crack in the stone floor slices a jagged scar across the chamber’s stone floor. Acrid yellow smoke billows from the depths of that strange abyss, while tongues of black flame flicker from the edge of the crevasse. Across the chamber, against the west wall, two steep staircases extend to the edges of a large stone balcony. On the stairs and balcony, a half-dozen black-robed cultists stand with arms raised to the heavens, chanting a monotonous litany of profane pronouncements. Each casts furtive glances in the direction of the yellow smoke, where an unusual winged shadow begins to take form.

The six cultists spaced throughout the room (two on the balcony, one on each stair, and one each in the northeast and southeast corners) appear to be involved in a complex arcane ritual meant to empower the creature they have summoned from the depths of the planar rift before them. This demon, a terrible vrock, thus enjoys several spell effects tied to the infernal chants.

A mighty vrock hid within the yellow smoke as the heroes arrived. Six cultists were arrayed throughout the room. The cultists ceased their chanting only when killed or otherwise prevented from doing so. One of the cultists had a mystic connection with the demon so that some of the demon's wounds were transferred to the cultist.

Immediately after appearing, the vrock took to the air and attempted to savage the heroes with its natural attacks, moving adjacent to them in order to take advantage of its spores attack. The cultists continued chanting with single-minded focus. The cultists continued chanting until they were killed or until they were prevented from doing so by the heroes.


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