Cloak of Nightmares

Aura Strong Conjuration; CL 14th
Slot shoulders; Price 30,000 gp (8 bats)


The beauty of this red cloak hides its sinister nature, as at any moment it is capable of shredding into numerous hideous creatures known as nightmare bats. As a free action, you can release 1d4 nightmare bats. These bats remain until destroyed and can be recalled into the cloak as a move action. Bats recalled to the cloak are healed of all damage after 1 hour. A newly crafted cloak of nightmares contains eight bats. When a bat is destroyed completely before it can be recalled, it cannot be replaced and the cloak's upper limit is reduced by one.


Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, summon monster VI; Cost 18,000 gp


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