Tirana's Lair, Part 11 (Desnus (V) 9th, 4709 AR)

Summoning Rift. The summoned vrock fought until killed. The cultists continued chanting until they were killed.

A golden symbol featuring a demoniac relief hung from the wall at the center of the balcony. A collector might pay as much as 400 gp for it. A darkwood buckler and 22 gp were stashed in a corner.

The Tortured Giant. A row of everburning torches along the west wall of this large chamber illuminated a pathetic scene. Two immense stone pillars stretched from floor to ceiling near the center of the room, each wrapped tightly with a taut chain connected to the wrists of a hulking giant in dented half-plate armor. The fire-haired brute hung limply, almost on his knees, his eyes to the floor. The sound of heavy, belabored breathing filled the room.

This chamber served as a prison for Gruenar, a dastardly fire giant formerly in Tirana’s employ. When the brutish warrior attempted to betray his mistress two weeks ago, she had him chained to the pillars at the center of the room as punishment for his impudence. Occasionally, she or her favored minions ventured to this room to taunt the proud warrior and scar his flesh with ice-cold branding irons.

Gruenar’s recent ordeal has pushed him far into the realm of insanity, to the point at which reasoning with him was utterly hopeless. His starting attitude was hostile. The heroes were able to change his attitude to friendly and talked with him for a while (he knew much of the layout of this level as well as Tirana’s personal capabilities), but thereafter he flew into a rage, flexing his enormous muscles and straining against the chains that bound him to the pillars. This final exertion was all he needed to break free, for the pillars themselves snapped from the exertion, triggering a collapse of masonry. Everyone in the room took damage. Gruenar wielded a long length of chain as an improvised weapon, gaining significant reach in the process. Once free, he engaged the heroes in combat and did not stop fighting until he was slain.

Tube to Nowhere. A narrow crack in the stone opens up into an enormous tube running northwest to southeast. In both directions, the tube is straight and featureless until vision eventually gives in to the prevailing darkness. The tube itself is cylindrical and, although made out of stone, has been cut as smooth as glass, with only the single crack marring its surface.

Further investigation was beyond the scope of the heroes' quests. They did, however, notice that the tube does not appear to contain a single speck of dust other than that which the heroes themselves tracked in.


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