Tirana's Lair, Part 13 (Desnus (V) 9th, 4709 AR)
Generator Station. This room houses a generator that powers the complex, particularly the
ventilation ducts and
the energy fields of the vanishing stones. Without the power from this generator,
none of the devices in those areas function.
The heroes weren't able to figure out how to shut down the
engine. So they started pressing buttons at random. After they powered down the generator for a couple of hours, they couldn't remember how to repeat
Seven Swords of Sin. Up a short flight of stairs stretches a long flat ledge, pocked in several places by geysers hissing steam. To the north stands a waist-high stone altar, and on the bare stone in front of it a seven-pointed star glowed blood red, a lit candle at every point. In the air above each of five candles floated a sword, point down and faintly radiating the same red light. The space above the sixth and seventh candle stood noticeably empty. Cords of bright red energy occasionally reached out, tentacle-like, from the glowing lines and stroked the swords languorously before falling back into the seemingly solid stone.
Every now and then, one randomly determined geyser
in this room erupted. As long as Tirana lived, the floating swords
remained immobile.
When the heroes managed to reach this room and interrupt Tirana's ceremony by distracting her, she flew into a rage and attacked, screaming,
“Behold, mortals! This day I claim the throne of the ancients and establish a
new empire. Kneel before your goddess!”
Tirana was wreathed in red flame when the heroes enter the room. When combat began, Tirana opened up with her most powerful spells, starting with a quickened fireball (using her rod) and disintegrate. On following rounds she used serenity, baleful polymorph and empowered fireball as quickly as possible. She also used her cloak of nightmares to summon nightmare bats to act as blockers and keep the heroes from engaging her directly. When seriously injured, Tirana tried to escape, but the heroes killed her before that happened. As soon as the heroes killed Tirana, the ritual was broken and the five floating swords dropped to the floor while the seven-pointed rune on the floor gradually faded into nothingness.
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