The Market's Vengeance (Erastus (VII) 15th, 4712 AR)
The thugs drew their weapons when the heroes did the same, and fought anyone standing between them and Zeeva. When their spellcaster was killed, any remaining thugs tried to flee the market. One of them escaped, one of them was killed, while the last was captured. The spellcaster tried to employ crowd-control spells to confound the heroes. Zeeva is unarmed and ill prepared for combat. She tried to stay out of harm's way. She pled in vain with the Pathfinders not to kill the Aspis attackers. The heroes had little time after the last of the Consortium agents was defeated . The goon who was conscious to witness the haunting experience is visibly shaken. Soon after the conclusion of the Aspis Consortium's attack on Zeeva Foxglove, a haunt manifested by animating two piles of produce into shambling mounds and the market's central tree into an angry quickwood. Despite being indoors, a terrible wind began blowing through the Green Market, shaking the tree in the central plaza and...