The Bone Field (Lamashan (X) 29th, 4712 AR)

Seneschal's Cathedral The bones around this area are meticulously organized, creating a spiral of bone walls that lead into a small clearing. In the center of this open space reside the bones of a gargantuan dragon. The dragon’s bones have been carefully carved with the draconic word for “protector” over and over again. Despite their pristine condition, the skull of the dragon has been crushed. The heroes uncovered a green dragon scale embedded in a fragment of the shattered skull. The bones ringing this clearing are inscribed with a complex litany of protective runes, mixed in with bits of draconic prophecy. A single tongue of rebuke had been stationed here. It circled this area but did not attack until the heroes tried to leave the cathedral. The tongue of rebuke alternated between its breath weapon and roar. It fought until destroyed. The Spirit of Auronorex This location contains some of the largest draconic skeletons in the entire Bone Field. Lying in the center of these skele...