Shearphorus, Part 1 (Lamashan (VI) 29th-30th, 4712 AR)

One of the satyr opponents made sneak attacks. He fled when seriously injured.

The rest of the satyrs switched from foe to foe, swinging their battleaxes. When a foe was adjacent to the sneaky one, the other satyrs facilitated sneak attacks. The heroes killed the rest of the satyrs.

The glow in the center of the Emerald Shrine emanates from a standing portal made from green flickering light. The entire area around the portal has an intense acrid stink. Those who pass through the portal were transported inside Shearphorus, into the maelstrom.


The Maelstrom. The heroes arrived here from the portal in the Emerald Shrine. They were greeted by total darkness and a corrosive lake full of bone shards.

A mark appeared on the heroes’ faces (except for Jule) the moment they arrived in Dragonfall. The mark was a red tattoo made up of Draconic runes around their eyes, branding them as Dragonfall trespassers.

A frothy acidic lake, tormented by a shrieking cyclonic wind, fills this hemispherical cavern. Sheer, slick walls rise from the liquid, and stalactites hang from the ceiling twenty feet overhead. A gap in the ceiling between stalactites is the cavern’s only visible exit.

Immersion in the fluid dealt acid damage, the fumes were inhaled poisons, and Zemurin risked drowning (the lake's waters were rough). The heroes faced another problem: a collection of bone shards, grossly approximating a dragon’s skull, rose from the center of the lake to a height of 10 feet and breathed a cone of acid at them. The bones fell lifelessly back into the fluid after breathing. Metal armor, weapons, and gear collect at the lake’s bottom, but all are corroded and worthless.

The Emerald Graveyard. Piles of bones fill this cavern, from inch-long fragments to foot-thick plates. Huge skulls and breastbones lean against walls that resemble petrified wood. An emerald mold covers the cavern floor and most of the bones. Although the howling wind from the cavern below is still audible, the air here is quite still. No exit is visible.

Two mohrgs lurked here among the bones. The mohrgs made hit-and-run tongue attacks.

Two zombies bear the same mark across their eyes as most of the heroes do, but otherwise resemble lifeless versions of the satyrs outside the Emerald Shrine. They were positioned close to the entrance and charged.


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