Bee, giant
Vermin: Vermin include insects, arachnids, other arthropods, worms, and similar invertebrates.
They are mindless and thus immune to all mind-affecting
effects (charms, compulsions, morale effects, patterns, and phantasms).
Vermin have darkvision.
They breathe, eat, and sleep.
Like their smaller cousins, giant bees fill their ecological
niche by playing matchmaker for a vast array of flowering plant life. As a
giant bee feeds on plant nectars, clumps of pollen attach to the coarse hairs
covering its body and legs.
Their sting is poisonous.
Giant bees grow to
approximately 5 feet in length, with a similar wingspan. These creatures weigh
60 pounds and live in their adult form for nearly 10 years. Giant bees’
stingers are not barbed like those of their diminutive counterparts, so these
creatures can sting foes repeatedly and do not die after one sting.
Smoke from particularly smoky fires or effects (such as that created by a pyrotechnics spell) may cause a giant bee to become nauseated. This condition persists as long as the giant bee remains in the smoke, plus some time after.
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