Owlbears (Lamashan (X) 27th 4708 AR)

Living just 8 miles south of Fort Thorn, a small pack of owlbears laired in hills on the forest’s edge. They had been spotted numerous times by the scouts, and their range, while concentrated south of the fort, seemed to grow by the day. Learning of the foul-tempered creatures, Sir Tolgrith tasked the heroes with tracking them down and eliminating them. The heroes located the lair when they were within 2 miles of its location.

The Approach. In the side of a small hill, a yawning cave entrance was visible. Numerous large brown feathers lay scattered on the ground and within the trees nearby. The area outside the cave was lightly wooded with scattered rose bushes.

Living Cave. This broad cave was lit from above through a natural chimney. Off to one side stood a filthy pool of stagnant water. The scent of wet fur and bird droppings hung heavily in the air, and feathers littered  the ground.

This was the primary living space for a parliament of owlbears. Dozens of small bones, bits of fur, and rotting meat lay scattered about the place. The pool on the western side of the chamber was stagnant and primarily used for refuse.

Three owlbears stayed in this chamber. Of the three, one rested quietly while the other two were awake, grooming themselves. They attacked the moment they noticed the heroes.

The owlbears attacked the nearest hero. Some of these owlbears fought to the death. The heroes are still fighting them.


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