Roseblood Sprite

A fey is a creature with supernatural abilities and connections to nature or to some other force or place. Fey are usually human-shaped.

They have low-light vision.

Fey breathe, eat and sleep.

Known for their cruelty and disdain for humanoid creatures, roseblood sprites are the embodiment of nature’s uncaring and vengeful aspects. Roseblood sprites act out against those who would despoil nature’s beauty, often with excessive force. All too often, even the presence of such an outsider is enough to provoke their ire, be it human, orc, or even elf (although they seem to forgive the presence of fey-allied gnomes).

They have woodland stride.

The origins of the roseblood sprites are lost to time, but their legends hold that they formed from the petals of the world’s first rose, whose wicked thorns protected its beauty. The legend goes on to say that these first roseblood sprites were all crowned king by Gozreh and taught the secrets of awakening more of their kin. Whether or not this limits the total number of roseblood kings is not known, but sages speculate that when one dies, another is crowned.

A roseblood sprite can take the form of a small rose bush. While in this form, the roseblood sprite is immobile but it can perceive its surroundings. It can take no actions other than to revert to sprite form. Any damage dealt to the bush is applied to the sprite while in this form. A roseblood sprite is susceptible to any spell or effect that targets plants while in this form, but it is immune to critical hits and sneak attack damage. A roseblood sprite in rose form automatically fails all Reflex saves. A roseblood sprite can assume the form of a rose bush any number of times per day and can maintain the form indefinitely.

They have spell-like abilities.

Roseblood sprites tend to organize themselves into courtly strata, with dukes, barons, and earls all vying for their king’s attention. These titles seem to mean little to the king, but individual sprites often attack those who misuse or disregard their rank.

They can sneak attack.

Roseblood sprites reproduce through an odd ritual involving their king, by which a pair of sprites both assume their bush form side by side for one full year. At the end of that time, a third smaller rose bush has grown up between them. This bush is tended by the king and its parents and once it reaches maturity, it is transformed by the king. This last step is a closely guarded secret that involves the king whispering ancient words into the flowering bush.

Roseblood sprites typically carry a number of poison thorns with them, usable in their thorn bows. These thorns carry an irritating toxin known as the red rash.

Roseblood King

Although rare, a large group of roseblood sprites is often led by a king. The king makes all the major decisions for the group and is rarely encountered without an entourage of at least 2 roseblood sprites. He ignores damage from most weapons, except those made of cold iron and has resistance to fire. Finally, the roseblood king can create new sprites from living rose bushes. He can only do this to a fully grown bush he has tended since it was planted. The ceremony to create a new sprite in this manner requires hours of uninterrupted work.


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