Humanoid: A humanoid usually has two arms, two legs, and one head, or a human-like torso, arms, and a head. Humanoids have few or no supernatural or extraordinary abilities, but most can speak and usually have well-developed societies. They are usually Small or Medium (with the exception of giants). Every humanoid creature also has a specific race, such as human, giant, goblinoid, reptilian, or tengu.
Goblinoid: Goblinoids are stealthy humanoids who live by hunting and raiding and who all speak Goblin.
Hobgoblins are militaristic and fecund, a combination that
makes them quite dangerous in some regions. They breed quickly, replacing
fallen members with new soldiers and keeping up their numbers despite the
fortunes of war. They generally need little reason to declare war, but more
often than not that reason is to capture new slaves — life as a slave in a
hobgoblin lair is brutal and short, and new slaves are always needed to replace
those who fall or are eaten.
Of all the goblinoid races,
the hobgoblin is by far the most civilized. They see the larger and more
solitary bugbears as tools to be hired and used where appropriate, usually for
specific missions involving assassination and stealth, and look upon their
smaller goblin kin with a mix of shame and frustration. Hobgoblins admire
goblin tenacity, yet their miniscule kindred’s unpredictable nature and
fondness for fire make them unwelcome additions to hobgoblin tribes or
settlements. Nonetheless, most hobgoblin tribes include a small group of
goblins, typically squatting in the most undesirable corners of the settlement.
They have darkvision.
Many hobgoblin tribes
combine their love of warfare with keen intellects. The science of siege
engines, alchemy, and complex feats of engineering fascinate most hobgoblins,
and those who are particularly skilled are treated as heroes and invariably
secure high-ranking positions in the tribe. Slaves with analytical minds are
quite valued, and as such raids on dwarven cities are commonplace.
It is well known that hobgoblins mistrust and even despise magic, particularly arcane magic. Their shamans are treated with a mix of fear and respect, and are usually forced to live alone on the fringes of the tribe’s lair. It is all but unheard of to find a hobgoblin practicing arcane magic, or as hobgoblins call it, “elf magic.” This is the root of their hatred of magic — the hobgoblins’ hatred of elves.
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