Pointer's Rock (Neth (XI) 25th-26th, 4708 AR)
Rising above the level of most of the nearby trees, the ramp ended in a large flat plane of rock with a commanding view of the nearby wilderness.
There were two level surfaces on
the rock. The largest was reachable by the path and was 80 feet above the ground
below. The second, only reachable by flight or climbing, was 120 feet above the
ground (or 40 feet above the first level surface).
After Neth 24, this place served as the home to four flame drakes. When the heroes visited, the flame drakes were here, resting and enjoying
their meals. Three of the flame drakes rested on the lower level, while a fourth
roosted up above on the higher plateau.
resting, the flame drakes kept one of their number alert at all times. This
sentry prowled the surface of the rock, keeping a lookout. When this drake noticed the heroes, it quickly called out to its fellows.
three drakes roosting on the lower level breathed before engaging in melee. The drake
up above remained on its perch and used its breath weapon.
That drake attacked Aranthor when he attempted to reach its position.
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