Intermission (Kuthona (XII) 18th-Gozran (IV) 14th, 4709 AR)

When the heroes returned to Fort Thorn, they resurrected Junia.

At the end of the deadline, King Arabasti’s emissary arrived to inspect the new trail and evaluate Sir Tolgrith’s progress. All had gone well; Fort Thorn survived and the path was completed on time.

At the conclusion of the day, Sir Tolgrith invited the heroes to his office to discuss their work. During this meeting, he went over all of the good things they accomplished and gave them their rewards for helping the people of Korvosa open this vital trade route. Things went well, so he wanted them to stay in the Bloodsworn Vale to help maintain it and keep it safe from further threats.

The heroes exceeded Sir Tolgrith’s expectations in every way. He invited them back to Korvosa to meet the King and recommended they all be knighted and given charge over Fort Thorn and all the vale. They accepted, so while there are limits to what they can do, they have free reign to make improvements to the Fort and promote its growth. The group as a whole can draw 1,000 gp per month in pay from a stipend and taxes.


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