Tirana's Lair, Part 8 (Desnus (V) 2nd, 4709 AR)
The heroes continued their exploration.
Pistoned Ochre Jelly. This plain stone room is unremarkable save for a dark
rectangular pit that occupies the center of its tiled floor. A thick metal
grating coated with a thin veneer of rust covers the top of the shaft, leaving
only a few inches between each bar.
The shaft in the center was 50 feet deep and lightless, making it hard to see the two jellies that lingered below. The grating itself was mortared in place and could support weight.
As soon as
the heroes stepped adjacent to the gratings the room begun to
shake and rumble as the stone floor at the bottom of the shaft pistoned upward
to a point just below the grating and stopped, forcing the two ochre jellies
lounging at the bottom to squirt through the narrow holes in the gratings.
The oozes were straightforward fighters, grappling the heroes. The oozes fought until destroyed.
In addition to the jelly trap, this
room also contains six moderate evocation auras, each occupying a 5-foot
marble floor tile. When the heroes moved across one of the squares they triggered an electrical trap.
Enemy Mine. A dark, roiling mass of blood-red clouds and a barren landscape of bone-colored, sun-scorched earth can be seen through the flat portal dominating the center of this room. A maelstrom of wind and dirt spins rapidly around the edges and sends a choking cloud of dust continually spiraling upward about the chamber. In the four corners stand statues of strange, four-armed humanoids bearing bladed weapons and covered in bony spikes.
Two guardian creatures were pent up in this room together: a xill and a destrachan. The two worked together. When the heroes arrived, the two were on opposite sides of the room, but they attacked them on sight.
The walls, floor, and ceiling of this room were immune to the destrachan’s sonic attacks. The xill had the ability to planewalk.
Complete silence prevailed in the area around the xill, which made her immune to the destrachan’s call. She had planewalked and was in the Ethereal Plane until the destrachan used its first destructive harmonics ability, then shifted back into a position that left all the heroes under her silent aura. When the xill was seriously hurt she attempted to planewalk, but the heroes killed her before she made it.
The destrachan hid in a shadowy corner of the room. Once the heroes entered, he initiated combat with his destructive harmonics ability. During combat, the destrachan maneuvered away from the xill, using his physical attacks. The destrachan fought to the death. The destrachan wore no gear, but guarded a small pile of loot in his corner, including a pouch of 474 gp and bracers of armor +3.
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