Id Portrait
Aura strong enchantment, necromancy, and universal; CL 20th Slot none; Weight 50 lbs. DESCRIPTION This 4-foot-by-8-foot oil-on-wood masterwork painting depicts an elegant high-backed padded chair in the foreground of a gothic study with heavy curtains, polished tables supporting decorative lamps, plush rugs, and hundreds of books on shelves. The silver-and-gold frame is equally elegant and etched with faintly glowing arcane symbols. The painting is a powerful minor artifact that can be used to create one or more duplicates of any living creature that has a Charisma score of at least 10. By touching the painting and uttering a command word, the subject creature is drawn into the painting and appears seated in the chair. The subject is under the effects of a binding spell. Delving into the subconscious mind, the painting creates a duplicate of the subject that last for 1 day per Hit Die the creature possesses. If the subject creature has a positive Charisma modifier, additional duplicate...