The Wizard, Part 3 (Sarenith (VI) 20th, 4709 AR)

The heroes continued their exploration of Imron's manor.

Second Floor

Chamber. A plush area rug covers part of the floor on the west side of the room. A long chest of drawers topped by a gilded mirror rests against the eastern side of the northern wall. A heavy dark oak desk occupies the eastern wall, and a wide armoire is centered against the southern wall. Two paintings on the west wall depict horrible creatures – the first shows a huge monster with the thickly muscled, slime-covered lower body of a giant humanoid and the upper body of some kind of horrific squid with humanoid arms that split into five long, barbed tentacles. The portrait to the east is of a small, emaciated child holding a ragged, bloodstained doll. She wears a mischievous smile and has dark gaping holes where her eyes should be. A curious weapon rack on the western section of the north wall stands empty. Dark purple drapes partially cover narrow stained-glass windows in the west and north walls.

These quarters are as orderly and neat as the kitchen. The heroes noticed four impressions in the area rug made by a large heavy object.

The armoire and chest of drawers contain clothing and extra bedding. The desk contains parchment, writing quills, and ink.

Two painted servants guarded this room from intruders. They were identical to the painted servants in the grand foyer. Each one hid behind the drapes covering the windows in the west wall, but the heroes noticed them. The painted servants tried to slam the heroes when they entered the room. They fought until destroyed.

The painting of the huge octopoid humanoid was trapped with a phantasmal image that only Gryxxa could see when she approached it. The rest of the heroes only saw a vague shape.

Roof Access. These steps ascend to a magically treated iron trapdoor to the roof. It has a faint abjuration aura in addition to its internal mechanical lock.

Study. This cozy chamber is lined with tall bookshelves along the north and part of the south wall. At a glance, the subjects of the books lining its shelves seem to mainly be art, history, and popular works of fiction. A writing desk occupies the southeastern corner, its surface covered in maps with notes scrawled on them. A comfortable-looking couch rests against the south wall and a pair of matching chairs flanks the western door. A second door exits this room through the eastern wall.

An examination of the bookcase reveals an abundance of books about art and history, as well as popular works of fiction, but it also contains adventure logs from lmron's campaigns and numerous tomes used in his magical research. The papers on the desk are mainly local area maps. Of note, a map of the Ivy District has X marks on the locations of the homes of Imron's enemies targeted to receive trapped paintings. One of the other maps on the desk is a larger continent map. A star marks a spot in Taldor with a note next to it that reads "Denick's Keep".

Studio. Stretched canvas, picture frames, a worktable with neat rows of covered jars of paint and an assortment of brushes laid out carefully on it, and several easels holding works in progress occupy most of the space in this art studio. A few finished paintings stand propped against one of the walls. Some look quite beautiful while others are unsettling and repugnant.

lmron's studio is neat and tidy, with excellent quality supplies. One of his recently finished paintings, entitled "Justice and Vindication," depicts a darkhaired man lying on a bed of black and red wasps and screaming in utter agony. The thousands of vermin are biting, stinging, and chewing their way into his flesh. Some of them crawl beneath his skin. Others crawl in and out of his gaping mouth, nose, and ears. This gruesome piece depicts the final fate of Imron's servant Tharivol.

The heroes found a loose flagstone in the floor of the studio that can be lifted to reveal a shallow depression. It is empty.

The heroes recognized the red and black vermin as hell wasps. Detect magic revealed a moderate dweomer of conjuration emanating from the painting. When destroyed, the painting ejected Tharivol, who is already dead.


Flat stones form most of the roof of the manor.

Manor Roof. The flat roof of the manor is surrounded on all sides by crenellations and merlons. A small garden flourishes here, and nearby sit several benches and an easel.

lmron's garden is neat and orderly, like the rest of the manor. The stained glass window recessed in the stones here, visible from the grand foyer below, is emanating an illusion aura.


The officer on duty at city guard offers the heroes a reward of 2,500 gp since they successfully prevented the courier from delivering the other packages and endangering other citizens. If they can also track down Asheron's killer and bring him to justice, he offers to triple their reward.


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