Shearphorus, Part 4 (Lamashan (X) 30th-Neth (XI) 1st, 4712 AR)

The Throat of Shearphorus. The bellows heard by the heroes are mostly animalistic vents of rage, but there is some Draconic peppered throughout. They picked out a few phrases: “The name! Speak the name!” and “End the torture!”

Against these screams, the heroes can determine that a different voice speaks Draconic in a steady tone, and must be very powerful itself to be heard at all at this distance.

The heroes are not completely safe from these creatures even at this distance. In their rage, they are actually tearing apart the stone of the pillar above, albeit slowly. Now and then a piece of stone falls. Most of the heroes noticed the falling stones early enough to avoid any possibility of damage, while Zemurin was lucky enough to not be on the stone's path.

The spiral path leading upward is similar to the one below. When the heroes took time to recuperate, wings of protection picked up the guardians the heroes had disabled and carried them to the entrance to the pillar. The wings of protection also rectified any other obvious tampering.

The Entrance to the Pillar. A thirty-foot-square opening on either side of the great pillar accesses this simple space, an unadorned chamber seventy feet across with unworked stone walls, floor, and thirty-foot-high ceiling. A thirty-foot-diameter opening in the center of the floor drops away into darkness.

This is the entrance to the pillar, set apart from the green dragon crypt. One living guard is stationed here to warn of impending attack or trouble within the Throat of Shearphorus.

This is a burly ogre with rough scales covering his body. He has two straight horns, a stunted tail, and a fin that runs over the top of his head and down his back to the tip of his tail.

He originally had a number of illusory doubles that the heroes destroyed. He cast whispering wind as soon as the heroes appeared. He then zoomed out into the Throat of Shearphorus. When Aranthor followed, he happily engaged him aerially using falchion attacks.


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