
Showing posts from August, 2022

Staff of the Master

Price  30,000 gp; Aura moderate necromancy; CL 8th; Weight 5 lbs. Often given as gifts to apprentices upon reaching the rank of master, these staves come in eight different varieties, one for each school of magic. This particular staff is for the school of necromancy. Aside from acting as a +1/+1 quarterstaff , the staff allows the use of the following spells: Ray of enfeeblement (1 charge) Spectral hand (1 charge) Vampiric touch (2 charges) In addition, this staff can be used to cast spells using any metamagic feats known by the wielder without affecting the spell's level. This consumes an mount of charges equal to the spell levels increased by the feat. No more than one feat can be applied to a spell cast by the wielder in this way. Using the staff for this purpose does not increase the casting time of the spell. CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS Cost 15,300 gp Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Staff, ray of enfeeblement, spectral hand, vampiric touch

Vardak's Fortress, Part 6 (Kuthona (XII) 15th, 4708 AR)

Entry Hall.  The doors opened to reveal a grand entry chamber decorated with dark gray marble. A carpet, woven to look like burning roses, ran along the ground, ending just before a huge tapestry. The figure of Lord Vardak appeared on the tapestry, looming like a towering god above Bloodsworn Vale with a look of supreme confidence on his face. This room was protected by a dangerous trap. The heroes detected a magical aura from behind the tapestry. When Gryxxa dropped the tapestry from the wall, she revealed a rune   hidden underneath, which caused most of the heroes wracking pains. The rug was finely made and worth 100 gp. The tapestry was exquisite in its detail and make. Although the subject matter was unusual, the tapestry was worth 400 gp. Museum.   Two large statues dominated the center of this odd museum. The one on the left depicted a flame drake, carved from black marble, rearing up on its hind legs with its mouth open as if to breathe flame. The other was of...

Vardak's Fortress, Part 5 (Kuthona (XII) 15th, 4708 AR)

Kitchen.  Lopo, a lone goblin who stumbled upon this place a few years ago, staffed this unsavory kitchen. Lopo was not a threat to the heroes and promptly hid under the table the moment they entered. Unfortunately, Lopo knew little about the fortress aside from the kitchen, the dining hall (where the man-hungry goblins lived), and the throne room (where his Lordfulness pondered cruelty all day and night). Dining Room.  A long oak table dominated the center of this dining room. Three plain chairs stood on either side, while an ornately carved wooden chair with red cushions sat at the far end. This was Lord Vardak’s dining room. A pair of barghest guards were stationed here. These barghests hid in this room while under the cover of invisibility and were winking in and out of reality at random. The bargests both wielded masterwork greatswords in combat instead of claws, approaching the nearest foe before revealing themselves. Both barghests fought to the death. Lopo ran away at ...


Humanoids: A humanoid usually has two arms, two legs, and one head, or a human-like torso, arms, and a head. Humanoids have few or no supernatural or extraordinary abilities, but most can speak and usually have well-developed societies. They are usually Small or Medium (with the exception of giants). Every humanoid creature also has a specific race, such as human, giant, goblinoid, reptilian, or tengu.

Vardak's Fortress, Part 4 (Kuthona (XII) 15th, 4708 AR)

The heroes begun their search for the gem that controlled the seed of fire . Master's Chamber.  An opulent four-poster bed rests against the far wall of the room, made with red silk sheets and a blanket made from flame drake hide. An oak wardrobe stands in one corner. The silk sheets and drake-hide blanket are worth 400 gp as a pair. The wardrobe is relatively sparse, containing various outfits and more than a few work aprons. Some of these are stained with odd chemicals and blood. One of the outfits is a well-made noble’s outfit worth 200 gp. Guard's Quarters.  A pair of ragged bunk beds are pushed against one wall of this narrow chamber. The stink of wet fur is overpowering. A sack underneath one of the beds holds bloody remains, including a severed hand still bearing a ring of the ram (18 charges). The sack also contains 27 pp. A shelf next to the door has a rack on it containing four potions of resist energy (fire 20). Kitchen.  This small chamber appears to be a kit...