
Showing posts from September, 2022

Tirana's Lair, Part 1 (Gozran (IV) 29th, 4709 AR)

The heroes had a change of heart regarding Gadka's offer and decided to follow the other lead they got while gathering information. Located between Cavalcade and the Bottoms near the outer wall that overlooks the cliff, the entrance of the old Council of Truth chambers was marked by the ruins of an old water mill in a nearby stream. Its wide double doors, cast from bronze, bear the engraved image of a large-eyed owl. The Splitstreet gang is a crew of swaggering young human thieves. Each tall and lanky thief wore a bandanna tied around his neck, which he used to cover the lower half of his face when the situation called for violence. The thieves were stationed around the decrepit mill, waiting to ambush any trespassers. They were competent brawlers and quickly recovered and worked together once the heroes struck. The thugs were moving in to flank the heroes and then bouncing away. The thugs fought only until half their number was slain, at which point the remainder tried to flee bac...

Giant Squids

Animal: An animal is a living, nonhuman creature, usually a vertebrate with no magical abilities and no innate capacity for language or culture. Animals have low-light vision. Animals breathe, eat, and sleep. Aquatic:  Aquatic creatures always can move in water without difficulty. An aquatic creature can breathe water. It cannot breathe air unless it has the amphibious special quality.


Outsider:  An outsider is at least partially composed of the essence (but not necessarily the material) of some plane other than the Material Plane. Outsiders have darkvision. Unlike most living creatures, an outsider does not have a dual nature — its soul and body form one unit. When an outsider is slain, no soul is set loose. Spells that restore souls to their bodies, such as raise dead, reincarnate, and resurrection, don’t work on an outsider. A different magical effect, such as limited wish, wish, miracle, or true resurrection, is required to restore it to life. A native outsider can be raised, reincarnated, or resurrected just as other living creatures can be. Outsiders breathe, but do not need to eat or sleep (although they can do so if they wish). Native outsiders breathe, eat, and sleep.

City on the Cliff (Gozran (IV) 14th-28th, 4709 AR)

Much has been written about the power of the rulers of ancient Thassilon, but little is mentioned about their skill at governing. Knowing the devastation that a full-scale duel between them would unleash, they settled on an elegant means of solving disputes. Each of the seven wizards created a unique blade imbued with the barest shadow of his might. Whenever two disagreed, each bestowed his blade upon a chosen champion. These two champions decided the matter in a fight to the death. To be a champion for one of the Runelords was the greatest honor a Thassilonian warrior could aspire to, although such careers were generally short-lived. Although most of the great Thassilonian wonders were lost in the empire’s fall, there are those who whisper that the swords themselves remain, hidden, awaiting hands to wield them. The Thassilonians knew them as the Alara’hai , the Seven Blades of Conviction. Given the Runelords’ reputation, however, most scholars today know them by a different name. ...

Intermission (Kuthona (XII) 18th-Gozran (IV) 14th, 4709 AR)

When the heroes returned to Fort Thorn, they resurrected Junia. At the end of the deadline, King Arabasti’s emissary arrived to inspect the new trail and evaluate Sir Tolgrith’s progress. All had gone well; Fort Thorn survived and the path was completed on time. At the conclusion of the day, Sir Tolgrith invited the heroes to his office to discuss their work. During this meeting, he went over all of the good things they accomplished and gave them their rewards for helping the people of Korvosa open this vital trade route. Things went well, so he wanted them to stay in the Bloodsworn Vale to help maintain it and keep it safe from further threats. The heroes exceeded Sir Tolgrith’s expectations in every way. He invited them back to Korvosa to meet the King and recommended they all be knighted and given charge over Fort Thorn and all the vale. They accepted, so while there are limits to what they can do, they have free reign to make improvements to the Fort and promote its growth. The gro...

Vardak's Fortress, Part 7 (Kuthona (XII) 15th-17th, 4708 AR)

Vault. The heroes opened t he heavy iron door leading into this chamber using Vardak’s keys. The chamber beyond was a simple stone room with a shelf on the far wall and an iron chest in the corner. Vardak’s keys opened the chest. Twelve bags, each containing 500 gp in assorted coins, sat within the chest. In addition, the chest also contained a scroll tube with four scrolls of identify . The shelf held an assortment of items. This included a golem manual (flesh), a +2 buckler, a candle of invocation (CN) , and a wand of cure moderate wounds (48 charges). A small crystal case containing the gemstone keyed to the seed of fire floating above Fort Thorn sat in the center of the shelf. When the gem was destroyed, the mote of flame floating above Fort Thorn should wink out of existence. Spying Room.  This small chamber looked in on the dining hall through an illusory wall. A lone chair sat in the hall. The iron door leading into the lab was locked from inside this room. The heroes opene...

Seed of Fire

Aura strong evocation; CL 18th Slot -; Price 14,400 gp DESCRIPTION Created by the Empire of Cheliax as a weapon capable of scouring the battlefield in cleansing flame, this magic item consists of a pair of red gemstones. When the command word and a period of time is spoken into one of the gems, the other becomes permanently stationery and begins to glow with flame. When the period of time expires, the gemstone explodes, raining fire on a 60-foot square area below it. This fire deals 18d6 points of fire damage to all creatures and structures in the area. A DC 22 Reflex save halves this damage. Once activated, the seed can only be deactivated by destroying its partner gem (which destroys the item) or by speaking a special command word into the partner gem, which allows the seed of fire  to be reused. CONSTRUCTION Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, fire storm ; Cost 7,200 gp