Tirana's Lair, Part 1 (Gozran (IV) 29th, 4709 AR)

The heroes had a change of heart regarding Gadka's offer and decided to follow the other lead they got while gathering information. Located between Cavalcade and the Bottoms near the outer wall that overlooks the cliff, the entrance of the old Council of Truth chambers was marked by the ruins of an old water mill in a nearby stream. Its wide double doors, cast from bronze, bear the engraved image of a large-eyed owl. The Splitstreet gang is a crew of swaggering young human thieves. Each tall and lanky thief wore a bandanna tied around his neck, which he used to cover the lower half of his face when the situation called for violence. The thieves were stationed around the decrepit mill, waiting to ambush any trespassers. They were competent brawlers and quickly recovered and worked together once the heroes struck. The thugs were moving in to flank the heroes and then bouncing away. The thugs fought only until half their number was slain, at which point the remainder tried to flee bac...