
Showing posts from January, 2023

Tirana's Lair, Part 14 (Desnus (V) 9th, 4709 AR)

Tirana's Living Quarters.  This hidden chamber is simple but elegant, the walls covered in minimalist reed-mat paintings and tapestries. A high four-poster bed with a canopy rests at the far end, and a bookshelf, claw-foot bathtub, and desk covered in documents round out the furnishings. The heroes had to locate the secret entrance from the summoning pit, but inside Tirana made no effort to conceal or trap her belongings. Most of her important or expensive items were carried on her person, but a search of the tomes and scrolls lying propped open on the desk revealed the same information as the library.  In addition, the notes suggested that Tirana had the assistance of someone named Avaxial, who helped her research the swords and provided her with much of the dungeon’s defenses. The notes also contain information about the last whereabouts of the missing  sword of greed : it was the property of a particularly greedy mercenary guildmaster from Riddleport named Viorian Deka...

Swords of Sin

Ancient Thassilon was not ruled by wizards and spells alone, for even the runelords had their martial champions. The Seven Swords of Sin While myths hold that the other swords   were originally as powerful as the sword of lust, each currently acts as a +1 sword . The weapons are as follows. Asheia, Sword of Lust Aura strong enchantment; CL 16th Slot none; Weight 6 lbs. This beautiful blade is a +5 flaming longsword . While bearing the weapon, the wielder is immune to all enchantment effects. Any creature that casts an enchantment spell upon Asheia's wielder is led to believe its wielder or effect worked as normal and that the sword's bearer is under its control, allowing the wielder to deceive his opponent if he so chooses (and doesn't give his enemy a reason to believe its magic failed). Whenever Asheia strikes an opponent, the target must succeed at a Will DC 20 save or fall under the effects of a charm monster spell. Only one creature can be charmed in this way at a time...

Cloak of Nightmares

Aura Strong Conjuration; CL 14th Slot shoulders; Price 30,000 gp (8 bats) DESCRIPTION The beauty of this red cloak hides its sinister nature, as at any moment it is capable of shredding into numerous hideous creatures known as nightmare bats. As a free action, you can release 1d4 nightmare bats. These bats remain until destroyed and can be recalled into the cloak as a move action. Bats recalled to the cloak are healed of all damage after 1 hour. A newly crafted cloak of nightmares contains eight bats. When a bat is destroyed completely before it can be recalled, it cannot be replaced and the cloak's upper limit is reduced by one. CONSTRUCTION Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, summon monster VI ; Cost 18,000 gp

Tirana's Lair, Part 13 (Desnus (V) 9th, 4709 AR)

Generator Station.  This room houses a   generator that powers the complex, particularly the ventilation ducts and the energy fields of the vanishing stones. Without the power from this generator, none of the devices in those areas function. The heroes weren't able to figure out how to shut down the engine. So they started pressing buttons at random. After they powered down the generator for a couple of hours, they couldn't remember how to repeat it. Seven Swords of Sin.  Up a short flight of stairs stretches a long flat ledge, pocked in several places by geysers hissing steam. To the north stands a waist-high stone altar, and on the bare stone in front of it a seven-pointed star glowed blood red, a lit candle at every point. In the air above each of five candles floated a sword, point down and faintly radiating the same red light. The space above the sixth and seventh candle stood noticeably empty. Cords of bright red energy occasionally reached out, tentacle-l...

Tirana's Lair, Part 12 (Desnus (V) 9th, 4709 AR)

The Vanishing Stones.  The floor of this large natural cavern is composed of two rocky shelves separated by a subterranean stream that flows gently from north to south. The passage into this room opens onto the western shelf, which is bare and flat save for three stone outcroppings. These stones are several feet high and so smooth as to be shiny, twisted into strangely organic bulbs and swirls that make them look like solidified liquid. On the eastern side of the shelf, an arch of stone spanning the stream leads up to the second shelf, which rises an extra five feet above the stream. Unlike the rest of the area, this arch has obviously been worked, crafted into a set of beautiful stone stairs. A low hum fills the chamber. Entering this area, the heroes can see Tirana conducting her ritual on the higher shelf, and vice versa. Tirana ignored them for the time being, concentrating on completing her ritual. The three stones in this room are a thaumaturgic anomaly. These stones create a...


Humanoid: A humanoid usually has two arms, two legs, and one head, or a human-like torso, arms, and a head. Humanoids have few or no supernatural or extraordinary abilities, but most can speak and usually have well-developed societies. They are usually Small or Medium (with the exception of giants). Every humanoid creature also has a specific race, such as human, giant, goblinoid, reptilian, or tengu. Reptilian:  Reptilian humanoids are scaly and usually cold-blooded.

Elemental, Earth

Outsider: An outsider is at least partially composed of the essence (but not necessarily the material) of some plane other than the Material Plane. Outsiders have darkvision. Unlike most living creatures, an outsider does not have a dual nature — its soul and body form one unit. When an outsider is slain, no soul is set loose. Spells that restore souls to their bodies, such as raise dead , reincarnate , and resurrection , don’t work on an outsider. A different magical effect, such as limited wish , wish , miracle , or true resurrection , is required to restore it to life. A native outsider can be raised, reincarnated, or resurrected just as other living creatures can be. Outsiders breathe, but do not need to eat or sleep (although they can do so if they wish). Native outsiders breathe, eat, and sleep. Earth:  Earth creatures are outsiders with a connection to the Elemental Plane of Earth. Earth creatures usually have burrow speeds, and most earth creatures can burrow throug...

Tirana's Lair, Part 11 (Desnus (V) 9th, 4709 AR)

Summoning Rift.  The summoned vrock fought until killed. The cultists continued chanting until they were killed. A golden symbol featuring a demoniac relief hung from the wall at the center of the balcony. A collector might pay as much as 400 gp for it. A darkwood buckler and 22 gp were stashed in a corner. The Tortured Giant.  A row of everburning torches along the west wall of this large chamber illuminated a pathetic scene. Two immense stone pillars stretched from floor to ceiling near the center of the room, each wrapped tightly with a taut chain connected to the wrists of a hulking giant in dented half-plate armor. The fire-haired brute hung limply, almost on his knees, his eyes to the floor. The sound of heavy, belabored breathing filled the room. This chamber served as a prison for Gruenar, a dastardly fire giant formerly in Tirana’s employ. When the brutish warrior attempted to betray his mistress two weeks ago, she had him chained to the pillars at the center of the r...

Giant, Fire

Humanoid: A humanoid usually has two arms, two legs, and one head, or a human-like torso, arms, and a head. Humanoids have few or no supernatural or extraordinary abilities, but most can speak and usually have well-developed societies. They are usually Small or Medium (with the exception of giants). Every humanoid creature also has a specific race, such as human, giant, goblinoid, reptilian, or tengu. Fire:  Fire creatures have immunity to fire and vulnerability to cold. Giant:  A giant is a humanoid creature of great strength, usually of at least Large size. Giants have low-light vision.