The Artist, Part 1 (Sarenith (VI) 18th, 4709 AR)

The evidence pointing at Imron Gauthfallow as the culprit responsible for the recent crimes is very convincing. The heroes arrived at his home. Nestled among the homes of lesser aristocracy and well-to-do artisans, merchants, and craft folk stands a tall, austere home of rigid angles and simple decorations surrounded by a high wall covered in flowering vines. A plaque near the front gate reads "Imron Gouthfallow, Retired." Gauthfallow Manor Features The manor resembles a small keep, with a 10-foot-high stone wall surrounding the property, broken only by a tall gate at the front, facing Sandalwood Lane. The surrounding walls are 5 feet thick and topped by short spikes. The gate is 10 feet high, 2 inches thick, and was locked. The exterior walls of the manor are 1-foot-thick reinforced masonry rising to crenellations and merlons surrounding a flat roof, with a 3-inch-thick reinforced iron and wood outer door kept secure with a faint abjuration aura (in addition to its regular l...